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Saturday, August 8, 2015

Published by Aristotelis Pitaridis

Umbraco allows us to access all the data that we have stored in the database using the Umbraco Back Office. In this section of the tutorial we will see how to use the Umbraco framework in order to collect information about the current page and all the other pages of the web site.

In Umbraco we have two ways of handling the information stored in the database. We can use dynamic representation of an object which allow us easier access to the data because of its syntax and typed representation of the objects which is easier for working using Visual Studio because we can use IntelliSense for finding member functions and properties.

Usually we start by using the current page as a base for everything we do in Umbraco. In order to have access to the dynamic representation of the current page we can use the CurrentPage object. If we want to use the typed representation we can use the Content property of the Model object.